COVID-19: Update
Sandha Woodworks Service is committed to providing our employees, clients, and community with updates regarding coronavirus, COVID-19 and includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread. This is secondary to and in support of local, provincial and federal guidance. Details on local health and government guidance can be found on the World Health Organization site.
Guidance on hygiene, remote working, self isolation, prevention advice and travel can be found here in order to assist us keeping you, our clients and partners, and the community around us both healthy and safe during this time.
Proper hygiene can help reduce the risk of infection or spreading infection to others:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the washroom and when preparing food
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
When coughing or sneezing:
Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand
Dispose of any tissues you have used as soon as possible in a lined waste basket and wash your hands afterwards
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
Remote working
We have recommended that our office employees work from home where possible and utilize Microsoft Teams and other virtual tools to maintain communication with their team members and clients.
Sandha Woodworks Service is complying with all recommendations and requirements to contain COVID-19, including temperature scans upon entry to the facility, additional hand sanitizers at all entrances, employee and visitor confirmations, use of masks, the practice of social distancing and working remotely where feasible. This may include the requirement to self-isolate if unwell as to safeguard our employees’ health and safety and communities around them.
As indicated above, employees should work from home as their role allows. This applies especially to any staff who may be deemed vulnerable and/or high risk.
Those who have travelled or believe themselves to be at risk of transmission should adhere to the minimum 14-day period of self-quarantine.
Guidance on social distancing:
Social distancing is one element of a range of measures to slow and ultimately stop the spread of infectious diseases. This requires minimal contact between you and others. The greater the space between you and others means that the harder it is for the virus to spread.
Together, we can slow the spread of COVID-19 by making a conscious effort to keep a physical distance between each other. Physical (social) distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak.
This means making changes in your everyday routines to minimize close contact with others, including:
Avoiding crowded places and non-essential gatherings
Avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes
Limiting contact with people at higher risk like older adults and those in poor health
Keeping a distance of at least 2 arms-length (approximately 2 metres) from others
The Government of Canada is continually assessing travel risks for Canadians. An official global travel advisory is in effect requiring the avoidance of all non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice. In addition, a pandemic COVID-19 travel health notice with travel health advice for Canadians has also been issued.
In the event of client visits, or while working on site, Sandha Woodworks Service staff are required to adhere to our company safety measures and guidelines in addition to any site-specific requirements as posted and communicated by our clients, vendors and partners.
Following are government and public health guidance to ensure safety:
• World Health Organization
• Government of Canada
• Public Health Ontario